Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mommy and me

It was a Halloween Bash at Entradero park. All the kids dressed in their halloween costumes. We had two craft tables, a lunch and a halloween parade.
Here is Bruce's art project. I painted his foot with white paint. Printed it on this piece of construction paper upside down and then decorated it like a ghost. So cute!
"He" also painted a pumpkin. (Okay I painted the pumpkin.)
an attempt of a group picture
I wish I got more pictures but I was holding Bruce most of the time. He is the youngest baby there and all of the kids loved his costume and kept tugging on his tail.
Thanks moms!
"Bimbo" Chair
When we first got it, Kiel asked "is it called a bimbo chair?"
"No, it's called a bumbo chair"
"Oh, good. Because that would be really weird if I had to say 'Bruce come sit in your bimbo'"
"Yes, that would be really weird."
Haha, let's hope the only time the words Bruce and bimbo are used in the same sentence is when we say "Bruce stay away from that bimbo!"
The end
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Edited video
Okay, so the video below was running a little long on some of the mini video clips and it was bugging me. So I cut them down and pieced it together the best I could. The ending is a little choppy but that will change when I get more pictures of Bruce before he turns 6 months.
so here it is, 2 minutes shorter:)
My video project
I finally realized my computer has a movie maker so I decided to make a movie of Bruce's first five months of life. I was going to finish by his half birthday but I just couldn't stop. I have to say I'm pretty stink'n proud of myself. It turned out really well. Of course there are few things that I need to cut in order to fit more of his 5 month pictures in but I have to show it off now.
Keep your eyes peeled for your baby...don't even get a drink of water you might just miss them.
So... what did you think? I'm dying to know ;)
And sorry to Amy for not having her babies in the credits. It's one am and I need to go to bed.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dear Omi and Opa, Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa
First things first; I hate my feet being covered. So most of the time when mom comes to get me out of my crib my pajamas look like this:

After the Dr.'s we went to lunch with mommies work friends. When we came home I was so overtired that I couldn't go to sleep. So I finally jumped myself into a slumber:
Miss you all -
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bruce Squawking like a dino
In Heaven I'll be 25...
When I was a little girl we visited my Grandma Chambers just about once a week. Her health was always poor and she seemed 100 years older than she really was. My grandma was funny, sassy, had a passion for American history and she loved to tease.
I will never forget the day I was sitting in her room watching her smoke cigarette after cigarette and chatting with her and her health care aid. "I may be old now" she said "but when I die and go to heaven" as she said this she crossed her fingers and looked up, I laughed "I will be twenty - five."
"Twenty - five?" I was still stupid enough to think twenty - five was old. "Why twenty - five grandma?"
"Because I don't want to be any younger and I don't want to be any older"
And that was all she wrote.
I still remember the feeling of maturity the day I turned twenty - five. Usually each year feels the same but twenty - five felt different, accomplished. It was the last year I would have a face without a single laugh line. Twenty six gave me that. Twenty seven gave me my first gray hair. Twenty eight blessed me with cellulite. And twenty nine, well twenty nine graced me with an abundance of womanhood (about 80 lbs of it.)
Thirty will let me hold onto 20lbs that twenty nine gave me, but not with a disgruntled attitude. Instead, with acceptance. And that is the difference between our twenties and our thirties.
I'm not going to whine about being another year older or be concerned as another sun spot appears on my forehead because it is a blessing to age. It's a blessing to spend another year in this body. Who knows what I will do with this body this year. I might gain another 20lbs, or lose ten. Have another baby or not.
Yes, I can see why my grandmother wanted to be twenty five. It's definitely the prime of your youthful body. But I when I go to heaven *cross fingers* I want the mindset of my thirties and my cellulite free twenty - five year old body.
*I am thirty today and I embrace it. Plus when I looked in the mirror this morning I didn't have an extra wrinkle like I usually do.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
That Didn't Last Long
Pop Quiz:
Can you guess the untruth(s) in the above story?
a. The wreath only shattered into 4 pieces not a billion
b. Kiel didn't break the wreath
c. Kiel broke the wreath but by accident
d. Melissa didn't cry
e. basically the whole thing is made up accept the fact that Kiel broke my wreath by accident and melissa just likes to exaggerate on her blog for entertainment purposes.
Dear Aunt Brittany
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Candy Corn Craft

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bruce is happy, hungry and tired in 4 hour cycles.
When the clock chimes twelve times in the am my cute little baby that you see in the above picture turns into a gremlin that has been doused with water. Last night we awoke at 12, 1:50, 3:30, 4:20 and 6:50 by which time I finally gave up and turned on the tube. Bruce went back to sleep and I snuggled with him in our bed desperate for some shut-eye of my own. We awoke again at 10.
He greeted me with a smile and his legs did a happy dance and just like that he made the night worth it.
I used to be a 10 hour sleep person. The days were unbearable if I didn't get at least 8. I was never a morning person.
Motherhood has changed all of that. I miraculousy survive with only 4 hours a night. I have strength to take care of someone else while I feel under the weather myself.
There is something about us that physically changes when we become mothers and it's not just having extra fat on our bones; it is something much, much more.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Look

Happy Birthday Steve

- He's a Libra and Libra's are amazing and well-balanced (we're feisty and sweet but never at the same time)
- He's an 80's baby and it's a proven fact by me that children born in 1980 are The B-E-S-T
- He turned 30 and survived (gives me hope)
And last we love Steve because we know we can count on him when I show up to events as a "single-mom." Steve carries Bruce back and forth, makes me food and takes care of our dog when he's about to pass out from heat exhaustion.
Happy Belated Birthday Steve!
The Bay Area...Again
On Friday we visited Omi at her work so she could show off Bruce. Everyone thought he was adorable and kept commenting on how much he looks like a boy. That's also what the nurses said when he was born.