
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I haven't done one of these in awhile...

My sister threw me a bridal shower at Skipolini's pizza. I wanted it to be small and intimate, opposite of what will take place on the big day. Twenty of my closest friends and family all sat around a long table, stuffing their faces with skip dip, salad and pizza. At one moment I could hardly hear myself talk amongst the loud chatters that surrounded me; I loved that moment. I have always enjoyed celebrations and gatherings with friends. I might have gotten it from my mother who always made sure our birthdays were celebrated just the way we wanted it. As a single mother it wasn't easy to patrol slumber parties as big as 20 girls, but she insisted that we invite all girls from our class so none felt left out.

Now that I have had minimal experience with entertaining, I realize how much work it is, but the fun makes it worth it. My favorite has always been themed get together' much fun. I also enjoy the Christmas dinners at Grandma and Grandpa Lockharts that consist of great stories that seducingly (not a word but I don't care) make you sit at the dining table hours after dinner is served.

Soon I will be having one of the biggest celebrations of my life. My number one hope for that evening is that everyone has a great time! I want the dance floor to be packed, the noise to be overwhelmingly loud and the laughter to ring in my ears. I also wish it to be a memorable moment for my dad, as he is leaving on May 2nd for Iraq and will be gone for a whole year. I will be the last daughter he celebrates a wedding for. Oh, the joys and woes of growing up!

May we all live life like a giant celebration and be thankful for all that accompany us during it!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

A One Star Hotel

and rated worse in service...
My best friend came to town yesterday and left tonight. The poor thing had to stay at my house and felt the need to buy the necessities since I had nothing. That's right folks, I didn't even have toilet paper (paper towels make for an ok substitution)! I feel so bad not only did she go out and do a little necessity shopping but she also went above and beyond (like she always does) and bought me a few pots and pans and a spatula. Man do I suck!

But Beth you rock!!! Thank you so much for being an amazing friend, I can always count on you! I promise next time you come to visit it will be like a four star resort and I will even make you breakfast in bed.

And for the rest of the future guests at hotel Melissa's, let this be a lesson to you... pack extra toilet paper just in case ;-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Engagement Pic!

The master piece has arrived!

Where has the dating gone?

Yes, I know we're not married yet and already the dates have sorta disappeared. Not entirely, i've just managed to turn them into something productive so we don't cut in to our precious "wedding planning" time. Now, Kiel and my dates consist of registering at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, picking out wedding bands (this is a future date, prob. next week), going to subway after getting our marriage liscense oh and Kiel's favorite, painting my room before I moved out of my, now, old apartment (after 2 hours he begged for us to go). Mind you these are all on his days off since we don't see each other otherwise. Dont get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I actually enjoy all of these things and no matter what we are doing we are always laughing!
Here is a list of my top 5 favorite dates with Kiel, when things were a little less productive and a little more romantic:

5. Location: Beverly Hills and Santa Monica
Activity: Getting pizza at CPK's. Driving in the ritzy neighborhoods and checking out the huge mansions, we probably saw a few celebrity homes but I don't know whose. Then we stopped at Beverly Hills Park to take a stroll around the beautiful fountain.
Cost: $ for pizza, $ for gas, pretending that you live in those huge mansions...priceless!
Total: $$

4. Location: The Grove
Activity: We went to The Grove during Christmas time. I had been asking for weeks to go because I heard that it snowed every night at 7pm during the holiday season (yes it's fake, but only in LA would they have a scheduled time for snow.). This place is the cutest place during the holidays, they have a giant Christmas tree, Santa's house, a fountain that puts on a water show and lights everywhere. After exploring the place we ate at The Cheese Cake Factory and had the most amazing peppermint cheesecake for dessert. I've been back four times since (to the grove, not the cheese cake factory). A really fun date!
Cost: $$ for dinner, getting to dance around in fake snow, priceless
Total: $$

3. Location: Bask n' Robbins, and the church parking lot in WC
Activity: To be honest, I can't completely remember where we were coming back from but it was probably ice cream since we like it so much. Anyway, Kiel whipped a romantic idea right out of his sleave and instead of heading to where I lived at the time, he drove to the church parking lot, arranged for his mp3 player (or whatever it was) to play "Hanging by the moment" by Lifehouse and another song, I think by incubus and then asked me to dance. So we did, just us and the stars. I know, can we say...Awwwww!
Cost: $ for icecream, seeing how romantic your boyfriend can be on a whim...priceless
Total: $

2. Location(s): Yoshi's, Pizza across from yoshi's, Yoshi's and Barnes & Nobles
Activity: Our very first date ever!
Kiel took me to Yoshi's Jazz and Japanese food restaurant in Oakland for our first date. We bought tickets for the Jazz show and then went across the street to eat at this amazing pizza place that served deep dish pizza. We each had our own mini pizza (that was a time when I could finish all of my food.) it was so good, I think I had garlic chicken. Anyway afterwards we went back to Yoshi's and watched the show. I don't know much about music, but I think the band was pretty good. Afterwards we walked to Barnes & Nobles and looked at books. That was probably my favorite thing about the whole date, you can really learn alot from someone from there book choices. I learned that Kiel was obsessed with cars. He new every make and model in this car book without having to turn the page. Afterwards he dropped me off at my house and even though the date was going on 5 hours long, I invited him to watch some t.v. while he waited for his sister to get off of work at Apple bees. We watched Laguna Beach, and since I am such a reality t.v. junkie, it was a perfect way to end a perfect date!
Cost: $$ for dinner, $$ for tickets, connecting with someone on the first date, priceless!
Total: $$$$

And of course the number 1 date, would be the night he proposed....

Location: Cafe Pierre, Manhattan Beach pier
Activity: Kiel made reservations at Cafe Pierre and we had a wonderful dinner. It was so good and the ambiance was perfect! After dinner we walked around the pier and rested at a bench overlooking the ocean. When Kiel was sure that no one was around he popped the question and pulled out a beautiful ring to "seal the deal." It was the best date ever!
Cost: $$$ for dinner, $$$$$$$$$ for the ring, watching a man squirm in his pants all evening, priceless
Total: $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Monday, March 2, 2009

Skin Care Anyone?

I have a new job and once a month they let us order any skin care item we sell for free, I also get a 50% discount on any brands. So family and friends check out the links below and let me know what you would like. If you need any suggestions, I can help (I have become quite the skin expert!).

Tip to staying young forever: Make SPF 30 your BEST friend and not just in the morning, re-apply through out the day.

I Got Nothin'

I have nothing to complain about, check out the view from my balcony.

and if you want to be even closer, just take a walk down to the pier and you will be able to see this

Life is sweet!