
Friday, August 31, 2012


I've been slowly trying to get our house together. The front room has been a chore to say the least.

It's an odd shaped room plus it has a multiple of uses, we weren't sure exactly what it should be. For the past four months it's been our storage place for a haugepauge of furniture I've scored for free. The other day I finally arranged it so it actually looks somewhat functional. Now I am no where near done but at least it doesn't look like a halfway house anymore;)

Before, in betweens and after

Monday, August 20, 2012

And the Saga continues...Part 2

Our next stop was Sacramento for a whole week! Kiel spent a week at the police academy in West Sacramento and my cousin Lisa was nice enough to me and the kids stay at her house so they could see their dad everyday. Lisa also has a little girl Bruce's age and a little boy who just turned 4. Bruce loved playing with Leilah and Danny. Danny was also in the process of potty training so whenever Danny needed a potty break Bruce would want one too. I think this started the process of potty training but more on that later. At Lisa's house Bruce swam in their pool, played with all their toys and jumped in this jump house. We also got to know her kids better and I absolutely fell in love with this little girl! She is sooooo cute!

But most importantly we saw DADDY! We were so happy to see him everyday and we toured the police academy. It was a lot of fun!

Oregon Trip

When we got back from Sacramento, Kiel came home for one night and then headed back to L.A. and we took off to Oregon. I planned a trip with Frances and my sister Katie and all of our kids to go see Nana and Papa. Our kids had so much fun playing at Nana and Papa's house. Papa gave tractor rides, we went to wild life safari and the kids enjoyed Umpqua River. But mostly they enjoyed playing with the goats and each other at Nana and Papa's house.

Ashton and Papa on the tractor

Yellow squash
My parents have a beautiful garden and we got to enjoy the fruits of their labor all week long! I thought this yellow squash was just a beautiful color! They also have blackberry bushes all over their property.
The left side of their garden

The right side of their garden
Momma deer and two babies eating in their front yard

 We went to the Roseburg history museum. They had a covered wagon, train, all sorts of animals. It was a touch museum so the kids really enjoyed it. Rhyan liked riding on the bobcat. Bruce was asleep when we got there and slept the whole way through. He woke up when we were ready to leave so we decided to go through one more time for him. It was a lot of fun.
Nana and Rhyan

Bruce asleep

Bruce and look with the stuffed bear

Bruce and the mountain lion

Bruce and luke in the indian tent

Luke and Bruce playing dress up
They also had a fake school house at the bottom of the building and things for the kids to play dress up with. It was an awesome museum! Outside they had an old battle ship that the kids really enjoyed.

Family picture minus Kiel


Fran and Me with our kids, Katie wasn't there yet

Ashton and Bruce
At wild life safari in petting zoo section

She has a stroller with a snack tray and cup holders but nothing beats this thing!
Bruce loved pushing her around!
The cousins hanging out on reptile bridge! Luke, Ashton, Gerry, Bruce and Micky

On our way home my sister got a speeding ticket but other than that it was a smooth ride. It was nice to visit family and hangout with my sisters! My mom watched all of the kids for a couple hours while we hit the antique shops. Oregon has great antique shops. I didn't buy anything but I wanted too!

What's next?

After traveling for what seemed to be a month I decided to lay low for about 3 days and have another go at potty training Bruce. I tried potty training him at 22 months but after day 2 he wouldn't sit on the potty anymore. This time I had limited distractions and just worked with him for 4 days straight. We got rid of diapers and he wore big boy underpants while he was awake. I got a ton of potty treats and stickers to encourage him every time he went on the potty. It took him about 4 days to get the concept and he still has accidents but he is doing very well. He wears pullups during nap and bedtime. I just don't think he's ready to be night trained yet. On average, it takes about three months for them to be fully trained and our home life has been a little different lately. When daddy came home August 6th I noticed more potty accidents for about a week. But I was persistent and still put him in underwear and he is back on track now. I was nervous taking him outside the house but he goes potty everytime and has only had two accidents outside our home. We are so proud of him!

Bruce in his underroos!
underroo butt shot!
 Rhyan Turned 1!

Then Rhyan turned one! I still can't believe it! We celebrated a couple of times. On her actual birthday we went to small world park in Pittsburg and rode the rides. It is a really cute park and super cheap! We are going again with Kiel next week.
 Here is Rhyan on her birthday crawling like a big girl! I let her open one present and then saved the rest until her daddy got here. Bruce had fun helping her and of course he claimed all of her presents as [his].
Rhyan is 20.5 lbs and 29 inches tall. She is in the 65th percentile except for her head which is in the 90th percentile. She says "Hi, Mama, Dada, Oooo for Omi, more, quack quack and dog." She cruises all over the place and loves going up and down the stairs. She has 9 teeth and is working on getting three more. She loves to dance and likes to be thrown up in the air. Her favorite toys are her magic kitchen and princess cell phone. She absolutely loves water and her daddy! We absolutely love Rhyan! Here is how we celebrated...

small world park with Aunt Fran riding the carousel!

Her favorite thing to do!

Opening one present on her birthday, she got a walker from grandma
Her pretty sunday dress!

Her first cake!

That following Sunday we had family dinner at our house and also celebrated Rhyan's birthday with cake and ice cream. I made her a cake using greek yogurt and cake mix, no oil and no eggs. It turned out pretty good! And I think she really liked it! Basically it was something on pinterest I wanted to try and how could I disappoint a one year old that hasn't had cake before?

On August 6th I picked Kiel up from the airport and that following Saturday we had a birthday party for Rhyan at our house. I decorated everything in pink. The theme was "you are my sunshine" because she is always a happy girl!
I decorated the dining room with pink plastic table cloth and wrapping paper, a birthday sign, flowers and balloons.

I served pink lemonade in mason jars and made jalepeno crab dip, calscetta and fruit cups in waffle cones. Kiel barbecued tri tip and chicken and we served with a spinach salad.
The birthday girl!
Bruce and sydney sharing pink lemonade
The birthday girl being sung too
Pink lemonade, the jars had labels that said "sweet pink lemonade"
The spread
The dessert table
Fruit cups in a waffle cone

 Rhyan opening gifts! She made out like a bandit. She got a magic kitchen from nana and papa, a Dr.s kit, shopping cart with fake food, a walker and clothes. Bruce LOVES all of her toys!
 Our third attempt for a group picture. Preston, Avril, Sophie, Sydney, Madison, Rhyan and Bruce. Overall I think Rhyan was a happy girl! And check out the last picture of Bruce and Rhyan, twins!