
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Recipes to be admired

I started a recipe's blog with famous authors included but not limited to (in alphabetical order by last name):

Frances Allen
Elizabeth BingHam
Sunni Churchill
Debbie Clark
Marcie HanBerg
Shelley Jordan
Karen Stirling
Shell Stirling
Yours Truly

If you would like to be an author to this blog please email me or post a comment with your email address or you can even face book me (geez, the resources us kids have today). I will send you an invite to be an author and you should then accept and participate by posting recipes or commenting on those you've tried:) If you don't care to be an author but want some "kick butt" recipe ideas, just follow us by clicking on the link below:

That's all for now. Move along, there's nothing more to see. But ya'll come back later, ya hear?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weekend @ Disneyland

This weekend was anything but relaxing. This year I committed to taking my nieces and nephew to Disneyland for their birthdays. I figured next year I'll be growing my own little prodigy and this would probably be the last year for me to spoil them. If I want to keep my title of "Favorite Aunt" I gotta go out with a bang, thus Disneyland becomes my accomplice.

The night before we kicked Kiel to the couch so Sebastyan aka Bubba could sleep in the bed with me. That wasn't the original plan but the little guy was too scared to sleep on the couch by himself. That should have been my first clue that the haunted mansion and Matterhorn would be traumatic experiences for him.

The next morning after breakfast and cartoons, we got ready to go to "The Happiest Place on Earth" or so they call it. There were a few moments throughout the day I would disagree but all in all it was a fun time.


After a couple rides we were all hungry and decided to go somewhere that did dining so we could sit at a table and eat. There was a small wait so Bubba decided to mosey over to the toy station that was right outside the restaurant. I followed quickly behind and even though I told him in the beginning we would get him a souvenir when we're ready to leave the park, I caved and bought him a mickey mouse flash light that spins a rainbow of colors. Now I realize the cardinal rule of parenting is to "hold your ground" but I'm so glad I didn't and so is Kiel, read on Haunted House to get the full story.

Haunted House

So after lunch Bub wanted to go on the boats that he saw while we were eating. On our way there I noticed the haunted house had a short line and asked him if he wanted to go through the haunted house on our way to the boats, he said yes and so we went. All of us entered the dark room and Bub turned on his spinning flash light (in picture above) so we didn't have to stand in the dark. Bub kept his spinning flashlight on the WHOLE entire time we were in the dark room. People might have been irritated but Kiel and I wouldn't dare try and take that away from him. When the scary voice started and the room started moving Bub lost it. He hugged us both tight and then started crying. "I want to get off this ride" he yelled. I picked him up and told him the only way out is, unfortunately through the house but luckily he has his magic light that keeps the goblins away. He calmed down when we got onto the carriage but didn't dare turn off his light. Kiel and I cringed whenever we heard an adult scream and hoped it wouldn't make the poor kid tear up again. Fortunately, it didn't and at the end of the ride he asked us if we could go again. I simply replied, "Sure, next year!"

Celebrate Parade

It's a Small World

The Matter Horn

This ride comes with a story. After the Haunted House we went on the Mark Twain boat ride, then made our way to Splash Mountain but that was broken and then walked to Thunder Mountain (Kiel's fav. ride when he was little) and that was broken, or having "operational issues" as they would correct when I asked "is this broken too?"and so we marched on to Fantasy Land and rode Dumbo that was working great as Sebastyan repeatedly made him go up and down, up and down and up again. Right next to Dumbo was a Whale ride that Sebastyan pointed out while flying Dumbo "Auntie I want to go on that next" I said okay and we headed that direction when we got off of Dumbo. On our way we got distracted on the Tea Cups and then they closed the Whale ride down for the "Celebrate Parade." So I told Sebastyan we would go on the "Whale Ride" after we watched the parade which was alright to him and on we went. The parade happened to be right in front of "It's a small world" so we watched the parade and then took advantage of the extremely short line and went on "It's a Small World" which we all enjoyed. After getting off the ride Sebastyan yelled, "now it's time for the whale ride" but by the time we got there the line was 40 minutes long. Sebastyan agreed that was too long to wait and decided to go on the Caterpillar ride, but again that line was 40 minutes and both Kiel and I did not want to wait that long for the "kiddie" rides and decided to try to find a big roller coaster that wasn't broken. The Matter horn said you only needed to be 36" tall so we thought this ride would be gentle enough for a 6yr old boy and decided to hop in that line. The line moved fast while I went to get food for the boy. I caught up with them near the front of the line and Sebastyan was not a happy Disney boy. I figured it was nothing food couldn't solve and started feeding him chicken fingers. He brightened up a little bit but got more and more mopey the more we moved up in the line. I told Kiel, I think he's done for the day and Kiel agreed that after this ride we should probably go. Still not putting two and two together we continued to inch forward as the line moved. Quicker than Sebastyan wanted it, I'm sure, it was our turn to ride the "Matter Horn." Lucky for us we got the very first cart, woo hoo, I thought, this can't be good. Sebastyan and Kiel rode up front and I sat behind them. Sebastyan started crying as we buckled him in and off we went. He cried the entire time for his Mommy and Daddy and repeatedly yelled "I don't like this ride, I don't like this ride." For some reason this ride was a lot darker and faster than I remembered and how the heck did I forget about the abominable snow man? Feeling horrible, we went to a bench after the ride was over and let the little guy re-coop and finish his meal. That was all he needed and then he yelled "The whale ride," Kiel and I both agreed that even if the line was 2 hours long we were going on that ride, but then it was time for the fire work show and the "Whale Ride" was closed. Oh crap, I thought, I hope this boy likes fire works. We got an awesome spot to watch the fire works and after the show we finally got on the Whale ride aka Storybook Land!

Goodbye Disney

After a few more rides it was time to go. On the way out of the park I realized I left my camera on a ride and had to go back to get it. Kiel stayed with Sebastyan and by the time I got back he was passed out. He didn't wake up until the next morning. I miss those days.

Sebastyan took this picture


Kiel is the new Young Men's President! Woo Hoo, he was set apart this Sunday and will now take on all the responsibilities his calling has to offer. Sebastyan did good in church but was ready to go before it was over. After church we all watched a movie and then I took the little guy to the beach aka our backyard. He was fearless as he dove into the waves. Go figure! Then we took him home and we came back to our TRASHED apartment. Sheesh, looks like Kiel will be cleaning up before dinner with the missionaries on Monday.

Beauty Rewards

It's that time again! I get to order $250.00 worth of beauty products and because I get the stuff for free anyway... leave a comment and let me know what you want. There are more sites to look at this time.

iQ Derma Skin Care

Kronos Hair Care

Redpoint Make up

Raw Minerals Make up

Mojave Magic

Have a good day!


Frannie Update!

Fran had surgery Monday and it went very well. The mass was larger than they thought so they already gave her a cocktail of radiation. She's sick but happy that the surgery is over with and Lucy was evicted.

Thank you for all of the prayers and support!


Melissa and Frances

Thursday, July 16, 2009

In Response to Beth's Ad

My best friend placed an ad on her blog to replace me as her best friend because I changed her last name on her face book page to say Bobit (hee, hee Beth Bobit) and announced on her status that she was making a bowel movement (double hee, hee) amongst other immature things, that she is still not laughing about. You can read the ad here if you are her blogger friend, it's pretty funny.

Dear Elizabeth Bingham,

In response to your ad placed in the Bobit Times (ha ha, still too soon?) I would like to consider being your best friend, but since this IS for eternity as you requested I have a few demands of my own (certainly not as long as yours) before we agree to agree to be eternal best friends.

First and foremost you MUST come to my place and eat all of the food that is almost expired and buy me dish soap, toilet paper, laundry soap and pots and pans. Also please don't forget to spill orange juice all over the fridge, that is VERY important because you also get to clean it up frantically.

Second, you must answer the phone when I call. I usually call in the mornings on my way to work, during my lunch break, on my way home from work and again in the evening. The evening call is often interrupted by my husband putting in his two cents every 5 seconds but still a very vital call and more often than not, his advice is worth considering.

Third, luckily for you my bridezilla days are over, but my birthing days are not. When I go through high stress situations such as these, you are demanded to be there for every conversation, every change and hold my hand as you make ALL of the decisions for me because I will not be in the state to do so. In fact I am never in the state to make decisions, your first job as my best friend is to decide what place mats I should buy for my dinner table (I still have no clue).

Fourth, you are to be my right hand for every event I plan. Events may include but are not limited to; Mad Hatter parties, 4th of July camping trips (next year Yosemite), Surprise birthday bashes, Hollywood themed bachelorettes, going away parties and much more. These events are to be planned in complete disarray but in the end come together smoothly and everyone leaves having the most fun they've ever had. If these events are planned with organization, I will immediately cancel our best friend contract.

Fifth, you are to buy me presents and laugh at my jokes.

Sixth, you are to listen to me obsess about Hollywood and talk about celebrities as if they are my family members. You are to relate with me on every reality show that exists and empathize with me when I discuss how devastating the disolvement of Jon and Kate's marriage is.

Seventh, you must like to take tons of pictures where ever you go and be willing to pose several times until the perfect picture is snapped. These pics will be posted on Face Book and famous blogs such as this one, so they gotta be good.

Last but not least, you MUST own a long board and be willing to go down the hills with me (I'm talking steep hills) EVERY 4th of July.

Benefits to being my best friend:

You get free advice from a man who grew up with 5 sisters and seems to know more about the woman than women.
You get to borrow my truck when you need help moving or you can get the man who grew up with 5 sisters to move the stuff for you.
A free place to stay with an ocean view, a couch that reclines and blueray movies.
You get to play with a dog, whose as big as a horse and thinks he's a person.
I cook awesome lasagna.
You will be the 2nd to know (I of course the first) when anything traumatic happens to a celebrity or if one is visiting my office.

If you agree to these things and want to be my best friend, you need to take down your stupid blog oops I mean ad and announce that the position has been filled AND you have to update my blogger link on your blog that was suppose to be done, DAYS ago.

Happy best friend hunting!

PS, you ain't never had a friend like me :D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shake It

I am the new activities coordinator for the 8 - 11 yr. old girls at church. Yesterday was our first activity and I taught them how to make home made icecream from bags. They had a blast and it turned out really good. It's a great summer activity and very simple so I decided to post for those that have kids and need ideas to entertain them during summer.

Homemade Ice Cream


1/4 tsp Vanilla
1/2 cup whole milk or half n half (if allergic to dairy substitute w/juice)
1 Tbls Sugar
6 Tbls Rock Salt
1 gallon sz ziploc bag
1 pint sz ziploc bag


1. Fill gallon size bag halfway with ice and add rock salt
2. Fill pint sz bag with vanilla, milk, sugar and seal
3. Place pint sz bag inside gallon sz bag and seal the big bag
4. Shake for apprx. 5 minutes or until you have ice cream
5. Eat!

I also let them top it with sprinkles, we ended up making two bowls each and they loved it! The bags do get really cold so you might want gloves. You can also make other flavors, vanilla was just the easiest.

Happy ice cream making!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 4th, 2009

We had a blast this fourth of July! We spent the 3 - day weekend in Monterey like last year but instead of camping we roughed it in Matt Wiley's two story beach house with cable and wifi.

We layed out on the beach that was only a block away and watched the boys play

We went to the patriotic street fair, bought icecream from a pimped out icecream truck, said the pledge of allegiance and posed for a few group shots...

The girls ruled the kitchen and the boys ruled the BBQ

Here is the delicious flag cake we made which will now be made every 4th of July (I LOVE traditions):


1. Bake a cake (whatever cake you want, we did white)
2. Smooth Whip Cream ALL over (1 tub)
3. Decorate with 50 bluberries and try to make 13 red stripes with strawberries (not as easy as it sounds).
4. And whatever you do, say NO when your friends suggests adding sour cream to the mix, I am SO glad I did :)
The feast...

What is everyone grateful for on this special holiday? Kiel: "Melissa" Melissa: "Kiel" Beth: "Freedom of Speech" Ron: "Our troops" and the conversation goes on...

What? Monterey cancelled the firework show due to budget problems? Well I think Mr. Kiel, Ms. Melissa, Miss Sarah and Mr. Matt well go buy fireworks. The show MUST go on! And it did :)

Other talents to mention: Ron is an amazing photographer and was quite fond of Kiel and I, check out these babies:
Matt McKean can open a root beer bottle with his forearm

I can stage my own kidnapping:

Beth and I can make it all the way down a hill on a longboard without crashing:

Next year is Yosemite, whose in?

Marcie Hanberg you were missed, but I hope you had fun in DC.

Happy 4th Everyone! Have I mentioned lately how much I love my husband, he made me smile all weekend!