
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oh what a day

Almost all day Bruce's face has looked like this:
Today started at a wonderful 8:30am, and I was so happy that my baby slept until then. I decided to wake him up and start the day with the usual diaper change. But I guess I was interrupting Bruce's business because just as I removed his dirty dipe his "business" squirted all over the wall, changing table, clean diapers and wipes. Nothing like cleaning up baby poo first thing in the morning.

After that I got a 5 minute break before projectile vomit went all over me, my hair, the couch and the baby. Sweet! Happy motherhood to me.

He decided to take a short morning nap instead of his long one, but at least I had time to take a shower. I got all cleaned up and dressed just in time to be spit upped on all over again.

Thus the cycle began, fussy Bruce, only taking short naps, drooling and yacking on mom. Then it increased to really upset Bruce, so tired he couldn't settle down. I don't know if it was Omi's rythmetic butt pat he craved or Daddy's tight swaddle. But it wasn't me. He wanted nothing to do with me.

So we took a stroller ride, and it worked. Then we came home and it started all over again. Until finally at 4pm he took a decent nap. Thank goodness!

And if this post makes you wonder why kids are worth's a picture to remind you ;)


Reaching Our allen-ness said...

He's so freaking cute! Yes are days were the same... I could do nothing right.... Lots of spit up, pooping on me and clean towels, lots of fussy sad face and yelling at me! today was awesome... NOT! He finally passed out form over exhaustion at 3:00

Rushell said...

Awesome! Nothing like being a Mom! LOL. It gets better... and worse. Good Luck!