
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Old Wives Tales

Kiel wants a boy.

I mean, he wants this baby to be a boy, no exceptions. He wants it so bad he has said it to be true. Whenever he mentions the baby, he mentions it in "he" form. And in his prayers he asks Heavenly Father to bless his son. I ask him to just say the baby for now, until we know what the sex is, and he refuses. I know it's a boy, he says. Poor Kiel, he's been wanting a boy since before Celia was born.

I on the other hand, have an open mind and think it might be a girl. Call me a skeptic, but with the history of Kiel's Forefathers, I find it hard to believe he would score a boy on his first shot.

Until, I looked up old wives tales and started doing little tests. According to these wives tales and the Chinese gender calendar, we are having a boy. (Kiel is beside himself.)

Since more than half of my blog readers are pregnant and the other half have kids I decided to list some of them here:

Direction of the Ring
Many people believe in the good old ring test as a way to tell what the sex of their baby is going to be. In this test you hang your wedding ring from a string over your belly. If the ring swings back and forth your baby is a girl. If it swings around in a circle then it is a boy. This is not very good indication of whether or not you are having a boy or a girl. Fact is, if you hang your ring over any object or person it is going to swing.

Fast Heart Rate Tale
Some people believe that if your baby has a fast heart rate, near 170 beats per minute, then that means you are having a girl, and that if your baby’s heart rate is closer to 150 beats per minute then you are having a boy. This also is false. You baby’s heart rate will get faster and stronger during the first trimester as he/she grows. Then the heart rate fluctuates in speed during sleep and active times for your baby, just like an adults. So depending on when you listen to your baby’s heart rate, it might be faster or slower than it was the day before, or even earlier that same day.

The Shape of Moms Face
Some people believe that the shape of your face determines the sex of your baby. If your face is round then you are having a girl, long and narrow means a boy. This is just a myth however because where a woman stores fat and water during pregnancy has nothing to do with the sex of their baby. Along with that some believe that if your nose starts to grow or widen then you are having a girl because daughters “steal” mom’s beauty. While this sounds like something out of a fairy tale, it is simply an old wives tale.

The Key Test
Then there is the key test. Some say that if you can tell your baby’s sex by picking up a single key. If you pick the key up by big, round (top) part then you are having a boy. If you pick it up by the narrow part on the bottom then you are having a girl. Then, as if it isn’t detailed enough, if you pick the key up by the middle you are having TWINS!

The Mayan Tale
If you are Mayan then you may follow their beliefs and use numbers to determine the sex of your baby. The Mayans take the mothers age at conception and the year of conception and add them together. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way! The Chinese have a similar way of determining the sex of a baby.

Drain-O Test
So many people believe this old wives tale which is completely false. They are told to put a tablespoon of Drain-O in a cup and pee into it. If the mixture turns green you are having a girl. If it turns blue you are having a boy. Supposedly there is something in the moms’ urine that mixes with the Drain-O causing it to change color and determine the baby’s sex. (I didn't try this one, but am interested to find out if anyone has.)

Acne Myth
Acne during pregnancy is caused by hormones, not the sex of your baby. However, many believe that if you have an increased amount of acne during pregnancy then it means you are having a baby girl.

This one sounds good and can be an “explanation” for many of moms’ cravings, but is it true? Some people say that if you crave salty food while pregnant it means you are having a boy and if you crave sweet food while you are pregnant it means you are having a girl. Does this mean that baby girls are sweet and baby boys are salty?

Do You Smell Like Garlic?
The question should be, “Do you WANT to smell like garlic?” There are people that swear that the garlic old wives tale is true. They say that if you eat a clove of garlic, and the smell comes out through your pores then you are having a boy. If no garlic is detected then you are having a girl. Who really wants to find out THAT bad though?!

So what wives tales seem to be always true?

Now that the wives tales are on Kiel's side I am more willing to believe that we are having a boy.

Next week is the end of my first trimester...woo hoo! I'm looking forward to having my energy back.

Lastly, Kiel wants everyone to pray for a healthy boy. I want everyone to talk Kiel into not finding out the sex until the baby is born. Good luck with that by the way, so far I have had none.


lisa c. said...

Some dreams of Kiel's die hard. My dad promised him a boy, so it's been a lot of years of broken promises:)

Lisa Renee said...

Well the Chinese calendar has been right for me with ALL 4 of my babies. And this time around I took the gender test they sell at walgreens and it was right for the girl too! I guess we will have to wait see whats cookn in your belly!

Rushell said...

I hate admitting that I did the gross drano test with my first one. It is sooooo smelly and all it did was foam up and turn brown. You have to use the dry powder drano and be very careful (things foam and rise and it smells really really really bad) I think I puked after because of the smell. I carried all of my babies really high, which most people told me meant girl (and I have three boys). I never did the Chinese calendar, but everyone I know says it is very accurate!