
Friday, March 9, 2012

Feeling Beachy?

Okay we can move now.

I was feeling really bummed the other day that my kids wouldn't be SoCal babies and raised RIGHT - NEXT - to - the - BEACH.

It's no surprise that we love it here, and who wouldn't? Besides my dad, who happens to hate the beach, who wouldn't?

Anyway, I now HATE the beach.

Today I trekked my two babies under two along with 50 lbs of stuff so I could avoid melt downs and I can tell you that the beach is NOT a relaxing place to enjoy mother nature and hang out.

Oh, no my childless friends, the Beach, is now my worst nightmare!

The sand, oh I hate the sand. The sand that goes in their eyes and their mouths and somehow comes out their rear ends.

The water, that threatens to take my babies away from me every chance it gets. It freaks me out!

Yep, no relaxing there.

And then the sun, trying to protect them from the sun is another night mare.

And then the clean up, which is worse than getting there...

No thanks, I'll do the beach maybe in like, 3 years?

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Seriously, I get to a beach and I want to leave 10 minutes later. Its such a hassle with small children.