Awhile ago I posted a spiritual message that got a pretty good turn out, so I thought Sundays would be my day to post something personal and spiritual, publicly.
Yesterday, Rhyan and I went to an Auxillary meeting and got to hear Sister Jean A. Stevens, first counselor in the General Young Primary Presidency speak. She was awesome and I loved listening to everything she had to say. Unfortunately, I had to excuse myself the last fifteen minutes because Rhyan was tired.
But during the first half of the meeting Sister Stevens pointed me out of the crowd and asked me to come up and bring my baby with me. So I did. She then asked me to introduce myself and my little girl. Rhyan, of course smiled to the audience and made everyone's heart melt. She is super sweet like that, always. After I introduced us, she then asked me "What is the one thing you want for Rhyan?" Of course this made me cry and I hadn't expected to be answering this question in front of everyone but it was something that I have thought about since she has been blessed.
The one thing, that I want for all my children, if it could only be one, is to have a strong relationship with their father in heaven. To be able to turn to Him, when they feel they can't turn to me. To lean on him ALWAYS.
And that's it. I of course wish the best life possible for them, but nothing to me is more important than to know your self worth, and that my friends is achieved through Him.
Life is full of trials and struggles and I know my babies will experience no different. But they can conquer all through Him.
I have many hopes and dreams for them but this is the one that HAS to come true, all others are just icing on the cake.
Because through Him, all things are possible.
Mommy and daddy love you, Bruce and Rhyan!