"He is a wiseman who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for the things that he has. "- Epictetus
10. I am grateful for the drive thru service at the dry cleaners. Seriously what would I do without this luxury? Instead of lugging a 20lb kid in his 20lb carseat to drop off and pick up uniforms and laundered shirts I can sit in my car and do the exchange while Bruce sleeps peacefully in his carseat.
9. Pacific Theaters and their "mommy and me Monday movie" specials! I don't go very often now but how nice it was to go see an adult movie while Bruce slept peacefully in my arms and the entire audience also had sweet little babies in their arms. Nobody cared if there was a fussy baby. The lights were left on low so us moms could see what we were doing and the movie volume wasn't blasting our little one's ears either!
8. Vons across the street. Oh Vons, how you have saved me! No need to pack up the car. Bruce LOVES his stroller rides to vons and flirts with the ladies throughout the store. Grocery shopping made easy.
7. Farmers Market Thursdays! I love chatting with my friend Cambria as we buy our weekly fresh flowers, veggies and fruits. Not only that, we have an ocean view since it's at Redondo Beach Pier. Which leads me to my next grateful thing...
6. Living by the ocean! I love this planet that God has created for us. It is beautiful. Strolling on the beach boardwalk, overlooking the ocean and being able to see dolphins, whales and surfers EVERYDAY brings happiness to my heart.
5. And I wouldn't be able to enjoy this beautiful Earth if it wasn't for Adam and Eve who partook of the tree of knowledge so that we may know good and evil.
4. My friends! Especially the ones made in the past 2 years. As you get older it is not easy to make new friends but I have to say the friends I have made these past two years are the bestest friends I could ever have. I am also grateful to my friends that embrace my new role as a mother and spoil my baby boy with gifts (Sunni) and love (Everyone.) My friends who go to "kid friendly" restaurants so I may comfortably enjoy a bite to eat but also exit quickly (shall I need to.) And especially to Jehan, Kim, Lesley, Rachel and Jenn who always want to know what Bruce is up to and insist on lunch once a month to stay in touch. I can't wait for Dec. 8th! Also my facebook friends, thanks for checking in once in awhile!
3. My family. And the family I married into. I picked the best in laws ever! Once you become a mother it is absolutely essential to surround yourself with people that will dote on your child and I am lucky to have my family and Kiel's family to do just that! I am grateful for all of the help I received when Bruce was born from both sides and am excited to see the relationship between Bruce and his grandparents grow. Also a special mention of my sisters! How fun is it that we all had babies this year? I remember being close to my cousins and hope the same relationships transpire for Bruce.
2. Our baby boy! How could I not be thankful for him? He is adorable! Has the best personality and is so much fun! He brings great happiness to our hearts and our home. He also brings peace when he's napping j/k.
1. My husband, who works his butt off so he can provide for his family. I am so grateful he knows how vital my role as a stay at home mom is to our family. He supports me, takes care of us and shows his love thru many avenues. High five!