
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Excuse Me...

While I take a break from blogging. I'll be busy doing this:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bruce's Birth Story

So, umm, yeah...labor.

It goes a little something like this:

Mom starts feeling contractions on a Tuesday as she's driving to a relief society event with home made bread in tow. (The first time I've ever made home made bread and please note it was good. Noted.) They are about 5 - 10 minutes apart and stay that way through Wednesday.

Dad takes mom to the hospital where she is monitored for 2 hours and contractions are now 2 minutes apart, plus they hurt. But after two hours they find she is only dilated to a 1 so out they go with instructions to come back if the water breaks or they get stronger. On the way home dad and mom stop at the frozen yogurt place and also get dinner. Contractions still come and still hurt. Dad draws mom a relaxing bath and mom sleeps there for an hour. Labor slows down.

Friday mom cleans light switches. Dad hangs out as the on - demand - back - rubber and food - retriever.

Saturday mom can't take it anymore and goes to the hospital again. This time she has a plan to demand that her water be broken. Plan fails mom and dad go home.

That night was the worst night ever, with contractions 5 to 10 min's apart and finally kicking into high gear at 5am with stronger contractions every 2 minutes. Back to the hospital, the nurse declares mom is still dilated at a 1 but looks so pathetic and tired that the nurse decides to admit her anyway.


Water is broken around 11am, epidural is given shortly after and dilation takes off!

Mom is ready to push by 5pm. But asks for more drugs because she can feel her contractions. Nurse says it's better not to have anymore and it will be over in an hour. Mom pushes and pushes and 2 hours later still no baby.

Doctor says baby is posterior and tries to turn him.

Baby says screw you I like it this way. Another hour of pushing, the Doc finally says we need to re-visit different options.

Mom says "do what you have to do to get the baby out and bring on the drugs!"

Mom pushes for twenty more minutes while waiting for her favorite person, "the epidural guy." (he says he's not offended.)

Dad changes into scrubs and meets mom in the operating room.

Mom never feels so vulnerable in her life as she lies on the operating table completely exposed in front of 4 doctors and 3 nurses.

Ten minutes later baby is out.

Mom and Dad cry as they hear their baby cry.

Baby is weighed, given his i.d.s, swaddled and lays on mom's chest, while mom gets stitched up.

Thirty minutes later, mom is moved to the recovery room where she meets dad and baby.

Mom has the shakes for forty minutes but does skin to skin with baby. After an hour parents in the waiting room are allowed to come see mom and baby. Baby is introduced as Bruce Wayne Christensen to his grandpa.

A couple hours later mom, baby and dad are moved to their private room that they will stay for four days.

Four hospital days later mom and dad are able to go home with their brand new baby.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tales of Bruce Wayne - episode 2

Today I had my first photo shoot! I know, being only 6days old and already a photo shoot may seem bizarre but when you are as cute as I am you have a responsibility to the public to look your best!

Here are some behind the scenes footage for my true fans, the professional shots to come later:

The best part of the shoot was when my mom forgot to put my dipe back on me and I exploded all over my blanket and onto her hand. It was Awesome!

Till next time,

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tales of Bruce Wayne - episode 1

Date: May 21st 2010

1st food of the day: Breast milk, breast milk and more breast milk!

1st poop of the day: 12:02 am

Major event of the day: Went to the pediatrician who was really excited about my weight gain of 2.5 ounces and I sprung a leak on daddy when he tried to change my dipe (that'll teach him to leave my firing weapon exposed for too long.)

Favorite part of the day: Getting my hair washed, it feels soooo good!

Till next time!

Baby B

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Nursery

Awww, the nursery is finally here. Well, it's the nursery slash guestroom. But what's important is it's a functioning room for diaper changes, nursing and rocking. All while the guests are sleeping, but not really :)

The boy's crib is still in a box in my closet. His sleeping slumber will take place in our room in his "mini crib" for the first 6 months of his life. According to the American Association of Pediatrics that is what we should do, so we're doing it...why argue with them right?

So here are some pics of the room. The walls are a little bare. If you haven't guessed it yet I'm one of those paranoid types and with all of the earthquakes we've been having the last thing I need is something to fall on this precious child and dent his skull. Afterall, I've been baking him to perfection for 9 months!

(Ps that black thing on the wall will be holding pictures, once we have some. If he ever decides to move out. )

So I might paint something on the wall instead, maybe his name or maybe sport balls...what to do, what to do?

The only thing I'm waiting for is this:It will allow me to organize things a little bit more. It's suppose to be be here by Friday. The baby is suppose to be here by Saturday.

Be here or be square baby.

No seriously, the weather is awesome, the place is immaculate and the food will be great.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Thoughts on far

I don't know much but...

So far it's been a balance of kicks, jabs, rolls, and hiccups coupled with the loss of bladder control, backaches, sleepless uncomfortable nights and swollen feet.

I can't wait for the fun to begin and dread the day he experiences his first "owie."

I've declared that gestating for 9 months could quite possibly be the nicest thing I will ever do for someone, which means it is the nicest thing someone has ever done for me.

Happy Mothers Day to all of the great mothers I know...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Shopping Trip

This whole time Kiel hasn't set foot in a baby store. I think he is still exhausted when we registered for our wedding. I registered at 5 different places so I could collect that 10% discount when the time came and I did it all by myself happily. Actually, that's not true, it was me and 5 of my gal friends from work on a lunch break. *Note to self, only ask moms for help next time. I ended up editing out dog food, clothes, alcohol, household items and birth control supplies.

Today was the first time we went shopping together for the baby. It was fairly easy, I ran around and put things in the cart while he pushed and mentally calculated how much it was going to cost him. I love how he spoils his family so. Luckily, with our discount and all of our gift cards it didn't cost him much.

We bought our dresser/changing table combo...
A rocker/glider

and a MAN bag for Kiel, notice the big words that say JEEP. Out of all of the items we purchased today this is the only one he had an opinion about. Must be Manly, must not have any pink if I want him to carry it. *Noted.

I on the other hand thought it was too manly for me and went ahead and ordered this little number.
And what makes it even more awesome is it comes with a FREE diaper bag...
Kiel says we do not need 3 diaper bags but I beg to differ...ummm hello, I need to coordinate my bags with my outfit. And he did marry a woman that has over 100 purses (seriously).

Other than that, between 3 baby showers and our gift cards we received everything we needed. We are so lucky and so blessed!

Now Kiel gets to take pride in assembling all of the furniture :) He gets to do that this weekend and I will finally be able to turn that room that we painted into a functioning nursery.

Quick Baby Update:
We had a check up today and I will not be induced on the 8th. Apparently, there are five steps that let my dr. know my body is preparing for labor and I am a big fat ZERO. Even his head that was dropped has moved back up, hence the reason my heart burn is back. But she also assured me I could go from zero steps to five overnight. Hopefully it is not these next three nightst that Kiel will be at Shelley's.
Next Monday we'll see if we made any progress.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May He Be Here Soon?

(These were made by Sister Watkins, especially for The Brute)

This is the month our baby boy will make his arrival! My body can't wait to be back to normal but I will settle with the removal of this giant basketball instead. And I'm getting excited to finally hold/cuddle this hiccuping, kicking, rolling human being.

I don't think my doctor will let me go past my due date but you never know. Tomorrow we find out if they want to induce me a week early.

Next Saturday I might just be checking into the hospital to have a BABY. It kind of reminds me when Kiel and I drove to our sealing appointment to become ONE. Life changing events by

We have a lot to do this week!