
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh Love Plant ;(

When Kiel and I first got engaged, I got a seed and planted it in a tiny pot. It was to symbolize our love as a couple and I nicknamed it "Love Plant." Love plant out grew its house so I planted it in a shiny silver bucket. I was determined to keep it alive until Kiel and I died. I even fantasized about our children planting it on our graves. Well, after being in the bay area for a whole week preparing for the wedding, Kiel and I came back to a messy apartment and a parched plant. I quickly nurtured it with water, but once again we had to leave for our honeymoon. I would take a picture of it dead, but I think it would want people to remember its alive days rather than the dead ones. I'll miss you plant.
Ps, I know I might seem a little too attached to the thing, but it was the first time (after many attempts) I was able to make a thing grow with just dirt and water. My green thumb is cursed I tell ya, or just nonexistent. Boo!

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