
Saturday, May 9, 2009

My best friend, Beth

Hat's off to the Birthday girl! Elizabeth L. Bingham turned 26 April 17th and because I was slightly preoccupied ( I was getting married, alright!), I am just now writing her birthday blog. Sorry chica.

Elizabeth, aka Beth is by far the most endearing person I know and one of the best friends I have ever had. I intended to write this blog a week ago, but was having trouble finding words to describe just how amazing she is. So I apologize in advanced, for this will simply be an inadequate way of trying to describe a woman who has brought an overwhelmingly amount of joy to my life. I thought about what it would be like if we hadn't reconnected this past cinco de mayo and then I realized the year of 2008, just would NOT have been the same, no way, no how! Every day since May 5th 2008, we would talk for hours on the phone, go out to dinner, plan parties together and talk for hours more about all of life's happenings. When I moved in October, she was there to help pack my stuff, purge the unnecessary garbage and take my clothes that I didn't have room for (according to her). She threw me a going away/early birthday party and cried with me as I finally said goodbye to the town that I grew up in.

I quickly gave Beth the nickname Yellow dot, after the Walmart happy face that rolls back prices because she is always trying to make everybody happy. She can't stand it if you are not having a good time. If she was stuck in a room with 50 miserable people (her worst nightmare) she would not leave until every single one was in a pleasant mood. Which also reminds me that she is quite the entertainer and the life of the party. Beth can shake it better than Shakira, have all eyes stare at her and say "let's go get some m&m's" as if nothing out of the ordinary just happened. Which, for her, nothing did but for everyone at the party, magic just happened right where they were standing.

One thing that drives her completely nuts, is having nothing to do. She gets stir crazy and her right eye (if that's the bigger one out of the two) starts to twitch. She is the busiest unemployed person I know. Dance lessons, working out, helping others and the endless quest to find her destiny consumes her days and weeks. I have had so many exhausting conversations regarding her purpose and the deeper meaning of her life and what she needs to do to fulfill that purpose. I can't help but think what an amazing example she is to us all as she ALWAYS, ALWAYS strives to be the best person she can be without falter.

Thank you best friend for your constant advice and direction. Thank you for trying to make me a better person. Thank you for the anti-bacterial soap and the toilet paper. Thank you for your patience when I was a stress case. Thank you for throwing the best bachelorette party anyone in this world could ever have. Thank you for your wisdom concerning the gospel and your incredible testimony that enlightens everyone. Thank you for being so funny and making me laugh ALL of the time. Best of all thank you for the adventures. The year of 26 will be an amazing year, and you deserve it!




Elizabeth said...

my cup runth over.... gosh.... your killin me talls. I love you. :)

lisa c. said...

and she's now moving into my ward down here!! Living just down the street from me too!

Elizabeth said...

haha... i read it again... I'm such a sucker for a good story... this girl is awesome! :) love you ... again!